
Addition Combination of Cubic Root Calculator - Add Two Cubic Roots

The Addition Combination of Cubic Root can be calculated by entering the values of the two coefficients (real constants) into the Addition Combination of Cubic Root Calculator

Addition Combination of Cubic Root Calculator
Addition Combination of Cubic Root Calculator Results (detailed calculations and formula below)
The Cubic Root is
Addition Combination of Cubic Root Formula and Calculations
∛ = -b/a
∛ = -/a
∛ =
Calculator Input Values
1st Real Constant (a) =
2nd Real Constant (b) =

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Are you trying to add two cubic roots together? Our Addition Combination of Cubic Root Calculator makes it easy to calculate the sum of two cubic roots. In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the steps of using our calculator and provide some examples to help you understand how it works.

Step 1: Enter the First Cubic Root

The first step is to enter the value of the first cubic root into the calculator. You can do this by typing the cubic root into the input box on the calculator. The cubic root should be in the format of ∛a, where a is the number under the cubic root symbol.

Step 2: Enter the Second Cubic Root

Once you've entered the first cubic root, enter the value of the second cubic root into the input box on the calculator. The second cubic root should also be in the format of ∛b, where b is the number under the cubic root symbol.

Step 3: Add the Two Cubic Roots

Once you've entered both cubic roots, click the "Calculate" button on the calculator. Our Addition Combination of Cubic Root Calculator will then display the sum of the two cubic roots.

∛a + ∛b = c

As you can see from the formula above, the sum of two cubic roots is equal to the cubic root of the sum of the numbers under the cubic root symbols. In other words, if we have two cubic roots ∛a and ∛b, then their sum ∛a + ∛b is equal to the cubic root of (a + b).


Let's look at some examples to see how the Addition Combination of Cubic Root Calculator works:

  • The sum of ∛8 and ∛27 is ∛35.
  • The sum of ∛125 and ∛216 is ∛341.
  • The sum of ∛1 and ∛27 is ∛28.

As you can see from these examples, our Addition Combination of Cubic Root Calculator can add two cubic roots together quickly and accurately.


Our Addition Combination of Cubic Root Calculator makes it easy to add two cubic roots together. By following the simple steps outlined in this tutorial, you can quickly and accurately calculate the sum of two cubic roots. Try it out for yourself and see how easy it is!

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