
Advanced Statistics Calculator

The Advanstanced Statistics Calculator and graph generator allows you to view statistical analysis on a group of data with visual respestantion provided in multiple graphs and charts. Simply enter a range of values in the "Data Input" box, separated by commas or spaces (5000 maximum), alternatively you canpaste a range of numbers into the box from an excel sheet etc.

Note - if text (non-numeric data) is entered then the Total Value, Mean, Median, Quartiles and Percentile are ignored.

Note - the graph generator is no longer supported as part of this calculator.

Advanced Statistics Calculator
Total number of values in range
Total value of numbers
Mean (Average)
Median (Middle Value)
Mode - Most frequent value(s)
1st Quartile (25%)
3rd Quartile (75%)
Percentile (1 to 100)

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About the Advanced Statistics Calculator

The Advanced Statistics Calculator provides a calculation of common math functions and a visual representation of a group of similar data for statistical analysis.

Information about the calculator

  • Total number of values in range: The total number of values in the range entered
  • Total value of numbers: The total sum of all the values, if all are numeric
  • Mean (Average): The Mean is the average of a range of numbers. Calculated by dividing the sum of the values by the number of values
  • Median (Middle Value): The Median is the middle number in a sorted list of numbers. It is also known as the second percentile (Q2)
  • Mode - Most frequent value(s):
  • 1st Quartile (25%): The first quartile (Q1) is the middle number between the smallest number and the median in a sorted list of numbers (also known as the lower quartile)
  • 3rd Quartile (75%): The third quartile (Q3) is the middle number between the median and the highest number in a sorted list of numbers (also known as the upper quartile)
  • Percentile (1 to 100): A percentile indicates the value in a sorted list at a certain percentage of the range. e.g. the 25th percentile is the value at 25% of the range

Graphical Analysis

The following charts are created by the Advanced Statistics Calculator, depending on the type of data entered:

  1. A column chart showing the count of values in the range.
  2. A pie chart showing the top ten values (any values outside the top ten are grouped together as "Others").
  3. A line chart will be created if all the values are numeric, this chart will show all details, but you have the option to show or hide each series by ticking the relevant boxes.

There are 3 example buttons, these add data to demonstrate how the results are displayed. Example 1 is integer (whole number) values, Example 2 is text and example 3 contains decimal numbers.

This calculator includes the following algorithms

The Mean (or Average) is calculated by adding all the values together, then dividing this by the number of values

The Median is calculated by sorting the values in order then selecting the value in the middle of the list

The Mode is the most frequent value in the range (there can be more than one value)

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