
Angle Between Two Lines Calculator - Calculate the Angle Between Two Lines

Angle Between Two Lines Calculator
Cartesian form
r = (x+ ) / =(y+ ) / =(z+ ) /
s = (x+ ) / =(y+ ) / =(z+ ) /
Equation form
Value of "r"
x+ y+ Z
x+ y+ Z
Value of "s"
x+ y+ Z
x+ y+ Z
Angle Between Two Lines Calculator Results
Cartesian form Angle
Equation form Angle

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Are you trying to calculate the angle between two lines? Our Angle Between Two Lines Calculator makes it easy to calculate the angle between two lines. In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the steps of using our calculator and provide some examples to help you understand how it works.

Step 1: Enter the Coefficients of the First Line

The first step is to enter the coefficients of the first line into the input boxes on the calculator. The coefficients of the first line are the values of the x, y, and constant terms in the equation of the line.

y = mx + b

Make sure to enter the values in the correct format and with the appropriate units.

Step 2: Enter the Coefficients of the Second Line

Once you've entered the coefficients of the first line, enter the coefficients of the second line into the input boxes on the calculator. Again, make sure to enter the values in the correct format and with the appropriate units.

Step 3: Calculate the Angle

Once you've entered both sets of coefficients, click the "Calculate" button on the calculator. Our Angle Between Two Lines Calculator will then display the angle between the two lines in degrees.

θ = tan⁻¹ |(m2 - m1) / (1 + m1m2)|

As you can see from the formula above, the angle between two lines is calculated using the arctangent function of the absolute value of the difference in the slopes of the two lines, divided by one plus the product of the slopes of the two lines.


Let's look at some examples to see how the Angle Between Two Lines Calculator works:

  • A line with coefficients (2, 3, 4) and a line with coefficients (4, -3, 2) have an angle of approximately 149.03 degrees between them.
  • A line with coefficients (-1, 2, 3) and a line with coefficients (2, -1, 4) have an angle of approximately 87.99 degrees between them.
  • A line with coefficients (3, 4, -5) and a line with coefficients (-1, 2, 7) have an angle of approximately 71.56 degrees between them.

As you can see from these examples, our Angle Between Two Lines Calculator can calculate the angle between two lines quickly and accurately.


Our Angle Between Two Lines Calculator makes it easy to calculate the angle between two lines. By following the simple steps outlined in this tutorial, you can quickly and accurately calculate the angle between any two lines using their coefficients. Try it out for yourself and see how easy it is!

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