
Capsule Volume, Surface Area and Circumference Calculator

Capsule Volume, Surface Area and Circumference Calculator
Radius value (r)
Side length (a)
Capsule Calculator Results
Volume of Capsule (V) = m3
Surface Area (S) = m2
Circumference (C) = V

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A capsule is a three-dimensional geometric shape that is formed by two identical circles connected by a cylindrical surface. It is often used to model biological structures like viruses or bacteria. This calculator can help you find the volume, surface area, and circumference of a capsule with ease. Simply enter the required measurements, and the calculator will provide you with the results.

Formula for Capsule Volume

V = πr2(4/3)r + 2πr2h


  • V = Volume of capsule
  • r = Radius of the circular ends of the capsule
  • h = Height of the cylindrical part of the capsule

Formula for Capsule Surface Area

A = 2πrh + 2πr2


  • A = Surface area of the capsule
  • r = Radius of the circular ends of the capsule
  • h = Height of the cylindrical part of the capsule

Formula for Capsule Circumference

C = 2πr + 2h


  • C = Circumference of the capsule
  • r = Radius of the circular ends of the capsule
  • h = Height of the cylindrical part of the capsule

How to Use the Capsule Calculator

Follow these steps to use the Capsule Volume, Surface Area and Circumference Calculator:

  1. Enter the radius (r) of the circular ends of the capsule.
  2. Enter the height (h) of the cylindrical part of the capsule.
  3. Click on the "Calculate" button to find the volume, surface area, and circumference of the capsule.


Here are some examples to help you understand how to use the Capsule Volume, Surface Area and Circumference Calculator:

  • Example 1: Find the volume, surface area, and circumference of a capsule with a radius of 5 cm and a height of 10 cm.
  • V = π(5)2(4/3)(5) + 2π(5)2(10) = 916.26 cm3
    A = 2π(5)(10) + 2π(5)2 = 471.24 cm2
    C = 2π(5) + 2(10) = 40.84 cm

    Therefore, the volume of the capsule is 916.26 cm3, the surface area is 471.24 cm2, and the circumference is 40.84 cm.


    Calculating the volume, surface area, and circumference of a capsule can be a complicated process. However, this capsule volume, surface area, and circumference calculator makes it easy to obtain accurate results quickly.

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