
Decimal Degrees to Degrees and Minutes Conversion Calculator

Decimal Degrees to Degrees and Minutes Conversion Calculator
Input Decimal Degrees
Decimal Degrees to Degrees and Minutes Conversion Calculator Results
35° 11' 38.76"
35°11 minutes 38.76 seconds

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Converting decimal degrees to degrees and minutes can be a useful task when working with geographic coordinates, such as latitude and longitude. With the Decimal Degrees to Degrees and Minutes Conversion Calculator, you can quickly and easily convert any decimal degrees to degrees and minutes. In this tutorial, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to use the calculator, some interesting facts about geographic coordinates, and the formula used to convert decimal degrees to degrees and minutes.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Open the Decimal Degrees to Degrees and Minutes Conversion Calculator on your web browser.
  2. Enter the decimal degrees in the "Decimal Degrees" field.
  3. Click on the "Calculate" button to get the degrees and minutes.

Interesting Facts:

  • The ancient Greeks were the first to use geographic coordinates to describe the location of a place on the Earth's surface.
  • The latitude and longitude system we use today was developed in the 18th century and is based on a grid of lines that crisscross the Earth's surface.
  • The equator is the line of latitude that circles the Earth at 0 degrees, while the Prime Meridian is the line of longitude that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole at 0 degrees.


The formula used to convert decimal degrees to degrees and minutes is:

Degrees = integer part of decimal degrees
Minutes = (decimal degrees - Degrees) * 60

The formula calculates the integer part of the decimal degrees as the degrees and the remaining decimal part as minutes.

For example, if the decimal degrees are 40.1234, the formula would look like this:

Degrees = 40
Minutes = (0.1234 * 60) = 7.404

Therefore, the degrees and minutes are 40 degrees and 7.404 minutes.

Results in HTML:

The degrees and minutes are:

[degrees]° [minutes]'

Degrees = integer part of decimal degrees
Minutes = (decimal degrees - Degrees) * 60


The Decimal Degrees to Degrees and Minutes Conversion Calculator is a valuable tool that can help you convert any decimal degrees to degrees and minutes accurately and easily. By following the step-by-step instructions in this tutorial, you can quickly determine the degrees and minutes of any geographic coordinates. Remember to use interesting facts about geographic coordinates to engage your audience and make your content more informative.

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