
Force Conversion Calculator

Your search for the most accurate force conversion calculator ends at iCalculator. This is an extremely easy to use online calculator that gives you accurate results for all units of measurement of force.

Force Conversion Calculator
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Force Conversion Calculator: This image shows Force Conversion Formula with associated calculations used by the Force Conversion Calculator

Everything You Need To Know About Force Conversion

Before digging deeper into the world of force conversion, let's get to know force in more detail, shall we?

What is Force?

An external influence applied on an object that changes its momentum and/or alters its direction is known as force. All the doors that you either push or pull to open work on the force you apply on them. The S.I. unit of force is newton and it's a vector quantity, which means it has both magnitude and direction. Force is represented by the symbol F.

Mathematically, force is a product of mass (m) and the acceleration (a) of a body:

F = m x a

Unit of Force

As mentioned earlier, the S.I. unit of measuring force is newton where one newton is defined as the force required to accelerate an object of 1kg mass to a rate of 1 meter/sec².

Other units of force are dyne, kilogram-force, kilopond, kip, kilonewton, ounce-force, poundal, pound-force and ton-force.

Importance of Force in Physics

Renowned physicist and mathematician, Sir Isaac Newton postulated three laws based on force. The three laws of motion given by Newton played a pivotal role in classical mechanics.

Newton's first law of motion

Also known as the law of inertia, Newton's first law of motion states that a body at rest will remain at rest while a body in motion will remain in motion until or unless an external force is applied to it.

Newton's second law of motion

According to Newton's second law of motion, which also gave us the formula to calculate force, states that force applied on a body is a product of the body's mass and its acceleration.

F = m x a

Since mass remains constant, it's the acceleration that defines how much force is applied on the object in question.

Newton's third law of motion

Also known as the law of opposing motion, Newton's third law of motion states that for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Which means when force is applied on an object, the object also applies a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.

For example, if there's an object A that applies force F(A) on an object B, then object B will also apply a force F(B) on A such that

F(A) = -F(B)

Types of Force

There are primarily two categories of force: contact force and force that acts from a distance. All the various types of forces fall under these two categories.

Applied Force

Force applied by an object on another object in its contact is known as applied force. The best example of applied force is a person pushing or pulling a table from one corner of the room to another.

Gravitational force

Acting from a distance, gravitational force is the pull of the earth, moon, or any other object with huge mass. This is where the difference between mass and weight comes into the picture. Mass remains constant while weight alters according to the gravitational pull. This is why a person weighing 80kg on earth weighs lighter on the moon, because the moon's gravity is less than that of the earth's.

Normal force

The force applied between two stable objects is known as normal force. The most suitable example of normal force is a pair of spectacles lying on a book. Both of these stationary objects exert a certain force on each other.

Frictional force

A resistive force that prevents a body to be put into motion or stopped to a halt. A block slid across a floor stops after a certain point due to friction, an external force that consumes the energy of the block, lowering its momentum and bringing it to a halt.

Air resistance

Applied on an object when it is traveling through the air, air resistance, also called air friction is at its highest when the object is moving at a high speed.

Why do I need to use the Force Conversion Calculator

As we mentioned earlier, force can be measured in different units. The force conversion calculator allows you to convert value of force from one unit to another to help you make faster calculations. Suppose you are using foot pound second (FPS) system but you are given a value of force in newton, which is the S.I. unit of force. In this instance, you will need to convert the value of force from newton to lbf (pound force).

To do so, you simply need to enter the value you want to convert, choose the original unit of force you are given and select the unit you want to convert it into. These three extremely easy steps will give you the converted value of force in your desired unit. No online calculator comes close to the force conversion calculator developed by iCalculator.

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