
Imperial to Metric Converter

The Imperial to Metric / Metric to Imperial Calculator, a calculator from our suite of Conversion Calculators, allows you to quickly convert between the two units of measurement. This page includes information on the metric and imperial system as well as a simple to use guide to use our Calculator.

Imperial to Metric Converter
Imperial to Metric Converter Results

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How to Calculate Imperial to Metric / Metric to Imperial using our Converter

  1. Choose either unit to convert from Imperial to Metric or Metric to Imperial
  2. Enter amount of yards
  3. Enter amount of Feet
  4. Enter amount of Inches
  5. The results from our calculator will appear underneath

How to Convert Imperial to Metric / Metric to Imperial manually

Inches = Centimetres x 0.39370 or Millimetres x 0.039370
feet = meters x 3.2808
yards = meters x 1.09361
Centimetres = Inches divided by 0.39370
Millimetres = Inches divided by 0.039370
Meters = Yards divided by 1.09361 or Feet divided by 3.2808

Practical Examples for Imperial to Metric / Metric to Imperial Calculator

Converting from Metric to Imperial or vice versa manually would prove rather difficult. For example, remembering and further manually calculating yards divided by 1.09361 to convert to metres is quite lengthy. By using our calculator, you simple have to fill the specified input and our calculator will provide the results below.

Calculating conversions for imperial and metric can be especially helpful in the logistics industry when transporting/shipping goods. For example, if you were to order materials from abroad, the measurements are often shown in the units specific to that country with which our calculator can convert to metric or imperial within seconds allowing to know the exact lengths of these materials.

As well, with our calculator providing exact results this calculator can also be useful for double checking any conversions you have calculated manually.

Metric and Imperial Conversion - Practical tools for everyday life

Measurements are a part of our day to day lives, especially on the roads. Keeping at or below the specified speed limit is extremely important, particularly when you stop and consider the consequences of speeding. Having the ability to simply convert from kilometres to miles allows you to understand the driving system of countries with a different speed measurement system. This is particularly useful when travelling abroad, whether for road safety or to precisely calculate your journeys.

The Metric System

The metric system is designed to measure weight, volume, or length of an object. The metric systems units are all based on the meter, such as kilometres, centimetres and so forth. The metric system has been designed to ensure coherence as it is not required for conversion factors to convert between each unit. Essentially its easy to convert from meters to kilometres as a kilometre is 1000 metres which is quite a quick and simple conversion.

The Imperial System

The imperial system is another system designed to measure volume weight or the length of an object. The Imperial system includes lengths such as yards, inches, miles and so forth. The Imperial system began its official use in the British Empire, but most nations had in fact changed to the metric system in the late 20th century. The metric system is actually considered to be better due to the meter being the singular base unit and each other units are in multiples of 10s.

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