
Number and Word to Standard Notation Calculator

The Number and Word to Standard Notation Calculator is a particularly useful standard notation calculator as it allows the conversion of numbers into standard notation in both numerical (integer) and written word format. Very useful if you need to copy and paste a written word and see the corresponding Standard notation and original number in standard notation format.

Number and Word to Standard Notation Calculator
Number and Word to Standard Notation Calculation Results
x 1012

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Standard Notation Calculator: This image shows Standard Notation formula and algorythms associated calculations used by the Standard Notation Conversion Calculator

Number and Word to Standard Notation Calculator- Is It Really Worth Your Time & Money?

According to NASA, the distance between the Earth and the nearest star is around 40,208,000,000,000 kilometers. Ever imagined trying to manually work out those calculations? The eyes of any normal person would sink into the back of their head after performing those intense math calculations. If you just multiply or divide the above number with the speed of light, you would need a calculator so large that it would be difficult for you to fit the calculator in your hand. Yet scientists tackle these complex math problems everyday. Do you know how do they perform their complex math calculations? They convert those numbers into standard form i.e., a decimal number which is followed by an exponent of 10.

Standard form conversion helps but the problem isn't solved yet because converting such large numbers in the standard form is not an easy task. This is when scientists use the right tool for the right calculations, for example take the help of this online "number and word to standard notation calculator" which has a sleek online user interface of a modern calculator yet can calculate complex math including the conversion of large numbers to standard notation very easily, in fact in less than a second. The calculations occur quicker that you can say 'standard notation formula', yet alone writing it all out and calculating the math manually.

The number and word to standard notation calculator is a great tool by iCalculator and helps you to convert any number that you enter in standard notation. Now that we know that this calculator can make math formula and math calculations simple, lets look at standard notation in a little more detail as having a dedicated online calculator to calculate standard notation is great but it remains important to understand how standard notation is calculated and the formulas used in standard notation calculation.

What is the standard notation?

When a number is completely written in the form of numerical digits, it is said to be in standard notation. Such notations are generally used in everyday math. While working with large numbers, it seems difficult to address every single digit of a number again and again. This is the reason why a calculator is used to convert that particular number into its respective standard notation.

Standard notation can also be defined as "the way of expressing a large number into nothing but an exponential form that would be easy to write and read".

Generally, a number in standard notation can be expressed in the form of:

a x 10n ( 1 ≤ a < 10, n is an integer )

Terms used in a standard notation

The numbers that are converted in the standard form have the above three terms:

  • Coefficient
  • Base
  • Exponent


The coefficient term is also known as Mantissa. Any real number in the standard notation is termed as the coefficient.


In the expressions a x 10n, 10 is known as the base of the standard notation.


Exponent is nothing more than the number that is raised as the power of 10. The exponent in standard notation must be an integer. It can be positive or negative depending on whether the given number is a larger number or it is in the decimal form.

How to convert a number into its standard form?

When a number is converted into its respective standard form, we generally consider two examples.

Example 1- when the given number is a whole number

  1. The first step is to break the number into two parts.
  2. After that, we count the number of zeros in the given number.
  3. The number of zeros is written in the power of 10.
  4. The output is the corresponding standard form.

Example 2- when the given number is small (decimal)

  1. The first step is to break the given number into two parts as a decimal part.
  2. After that, we count the digits that appear after the decimal points.
  3. The number is written in the power of 10 according to the number of digits appearing after or before the decimal point.
  4. The resulting power or exponent is written in a negative number.
  5. The output is the corresponding standard form.

Some of the examples of converting the given numbers in their corresponding standard notation

  1. 102 Billion or 102000000000 can also be written as 102 x 109, which is known as its standard form
  2. 70 Millionths or 0.0007 can also be written as 70 x 10-6, which is known as its standard form.


Different people may use the Number and Word to Standard Notation Calculator in different ways, whether simplification of complex math equations or to validate your math homework and check you answered the math questions correctly. Every time you want to convert a large or small number (even in the form of words) into its standard notation, this calculator would be the first and best option as it provides a simple, slick interface and saves you time completing manual math equation calculations. Simply enter the number you want to convert, it's unit i.e., the word form, and press enter. You will get the respective standard form of the entered number.

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