
Obtuse Triangle Calculator

An obtuse triangle is a triangle in which one angle is greater than 90 degrees. The Obtuse Triangle Calculator is a tool that can be used to find the missing side or angle of an obtuse triangle. This tutorial will show you how to use the Obtuse Triangle Calculator to find the missing side or angle of an obtuse triangle.

Area and Perimeter of an Obtuse Triangle Calculator
Height (hb)
Base (b)
Side a
Side c
Obtuse Triangle Calculator Results
Area of Obtuse Triangle =
Perimeter of Obtuse Triangle =

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Step 1: Input Known Values

The first step in using the Obtuse Triangle Calculator is to input the known values. This can include any two sides and the angle opposite one of the sides or any one side and the two angles adjacent to it. For example, if you know the lengths of sides a and b and the angle opposite side a, you would input "a=3, b=4, A=100" into the calculator.

Step 2: Calculate Missing Values

The Obtuse Triangle Calculator uses the law of cosines and the law of sines to calculate the missing values of the triangle. The law of cosines states that:

Law of Cosines

c2 = a2 + b2 - 2ab*cos(C)

The law of sines states that:

Law of Sines

a/sin(A) = b/sin(B) = c/sin(C)

By using these formulas and the known values of the triangle, the Obtuse Triangle Calculator can calculate the missing side or angle. For example, if you input "a=3, b=4, A=100" into the calculator, it would calculate that the length of side c is approximately 6.37 units.


The Obtuse Triangle Calculator is a helpful tool for quickly and easily finding the missing side or angle of an obtuse triangle. By following the steps outlined in this tutorial and using the laws of cosines and sines, you can quickly calculate the missing values of any obtuse triangle. This can be useful in a variety of applications, from engineering to architecture to mathematics.

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