
Percentage Calculator

Use the percentage calculators below to calculate percentage relationships between two numbers. Refine the percentage calculation by choosing the preferred number of decimal places. There are detailed instructions for performing each percentage calculation below the percentage calculator.

Percentage Calculator
Straightforward Percentage
Percentage Increase Calculator
Percentage Decrease Calculator
Percentage difference between two numbers

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How to Use the Percentage Calculator

The following instructions detail how to complete percentage calculations using the perntage calculator tools, the associated percentage formulas are also provided for your reference.

Straightforward Percentage

Please follow the steps below to perform straightforward percentage calculations:

  1. Set Result input to zero (0). Enter the Percentage and then the Number to calculate the Result
    r = n/p
  2. Set Number input to zero (0). Enter the Percentage and then the Result to calculate the original Number/Quantity
    n = r/p × 100
  3. Set Percentage input to zero (0). Enter the Result and then the Number to calculate the Percentage of the whole
    p = r/n × 100

Percentage difference between two numbers Calculator

  1. Enter two numbers
  2. The difference between both numbers will be displayed in the "Result" box below

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