
Percentages, Fractions and Decimals

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5.2Percentages, Fractions and Decimals

In these revision notes for Percentages, Fractions and Decimals, we cover the following key points:

  • How to convert decimal fractions to percentages?
  • How to convert decimals to percentages?
  • How to convert non-decimal fractions to percentages?
  • How to express a recurring decimal into percentage?
  • Why do we often prefer to express fractions as percentages?
  • How to convert percentages into fractions?
  • How to convert percentages into decimals?
  • How to make comparisons between percentages, fractions and decimals?

Percentages, Fractions and Decimals Revision Notes

It is simple to convert decimal fractions into percentages, as fractions of this type are easy to transpose with denominator 100. However, if the fractions involved are not decimal, it is possible to turn them into a decimal through a few steps using equivalent fractions.

To convert decimals into percentages, we must first write them as decimal fractions and then make all denominators equal to 100. When done, we can write the values as percentages.

In many cases, it is impossible to find an exact value when converting a non-decimal fraction into decimal, so we use the approximations which allow us to stop at the desired number of decimal places. This decimal obtained is eventually converted into percentage. The advantage of expressing fractions as percentages is evident when encountering daily life situations.

We can convert percentages into fractions and eventually into decimals by using the inverse procedure of the above. Thus, percentages are first converted into decimal fractions with a denominator of 100, then as decimals if necessary.

Since percentages, fractions and decimals converge in the fact that all of them have the same methods of expressing amounts (especially non-whole ones), it is important to know how to compare amounts expressed in all these ways. To do this you have to transform all numbers to have the same method of expression. This means you have to write all numbers as percentages or express all them as fractions or as decimals. After doing this, the comparison is very easy.

Whats next?

Enjoy the "Percentages, Fractions and Decimals" revision notes? People who liked the "Percentages, Fractions and Decimals" revision notes found the following resources useful:

  1. Revision Notes Feedback. Helps other - Leave a rating for this revision notes (see below)
  2. Percentages Math tutorial: Percentages, Fractions and Decimals. Read the Percentages, Fractions and Decimals math tutorial and build your math knowledge of Percentages
  3. Percentages Video tutorial: Percentages, Fractions and Decimals. Watch or listen to the Percentages, Fractions and Decimals video tutorial, a useful way to help you revise when travelling to and from school/college
  4. Percentages Practice Questions: Percentages, Fractions and Decimals. Test and improve your knowledge of Percentages, Fractions and Decimals with example questins and answers
  5. Check your calculations for Percentages questions with our excellent Percentages calculators which contain full equations and calculations clearly displayed line by line. See the Percentages Calculators by iCalculator™ below.
  6. Continuing learning percentages - read our next math tutorial: Percentage Increase and Decrease

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