
Transitive Property of Inequality Calculator

The Transitive Property of Inequality is a fundamental concept in mathematics that is used to compare and solve inequalities. It states that if a is greater than b, and b is greater than c, then a must be greater than c. In other words, if a > b and b > c, then a > c.

Transitive Property of Inequality Calculator
Transitive Property of Inequality Calculator Results

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a > b, b > c → a > c

The formula for the Transitive Property of Inequality is straightforward, but its application is essential for solving more complex inequalities. It helps establish relationships between different elements and helps establish order and hierarchy.


For instance, let's say you are trying to compare the test scores of three students, A, B, and C. Student A scored 85, Student B scored 80, and Student C scored 75. You can use the Transitive Property of Inequality to determine the order of their test scores.

Since Student A scored higher than Student B, and Student B scored higher than Student C, we can conclude that Student A scored higher than Student C. This is because of the Transitive Property of Inequality. Using this knowledge, we can rank the students in order of their scores:

  • Student A (85)
  • Student B (80)
  • Student C (75)

Without the Transitive Property of Inequality, we would not be able to compare the scores of these students, and it would be challenging to determine who performed better than the others.


The Transitive Property of Inequality is a critical tool for solving and comparing inequalities. It helps establish relationships between different elements, allowing us to determine order and hierarchy. Whether you are working with test scores or complex mathematical equations, understanding the Transitive Property of Inequality is essential to your success.

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