
Ellipse Volume Calculator

Use this online calculator to calculate the volume of an ellipse.

Ellipse Volume Calculator

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What is an Ellipse?

An ellipsoid is a three-dimensional solid object with closed quadric surface that is a three dimensional analogue of an ellipse.

The Volume of an Ellipse is calculated using the following equation:

  • (4/3) x Pi x Radius1 x Radius2 x Radius3

Note: Remember to use the same measurement unit for each dimension when calculating the volume of an object.

The volume of solid objects are measured in:

  • cubic feet
  • cubic meters
  • cubic yards

The volume of liquids are measured in:

  • litres
  • quarts
  • pints
  • gallons

Mathematics Volume Calculators

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  • Cone Volume Calculator - a cone is an three-dimensional geometric shape that tapers smoothly from a base (usually flat and circular) to a point called the apex or vertex.
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  • Pyramid Volume Calculator - a pyramid is a [three-dimensional solid object] polyhedron formed by connecting a polygonal base and to a point, called the apex.
  • Sphere Volume Calculator - a sphere is a perfectly round geometrical three-dimensional solid object.
  • Ellipsoid Volume Calculator - An ellipsoid is a three-dimensional solid object with closed quadric surface that is a three dimensional analogue of an ellipse

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